Living on Purpose - Foundations

A 7-week study for individuals and small groups, inviting them to purposely reflect Christ and His Kingdom all the time, everywhere. The combination of Biblical truths and living practical examples of faith-life integration challenge participants to integrate their faith with their entire lives. This study prepares them for Living on Purpose - Life Applications, the 6-week covenant group studies that flesh out “whole life submission” to Christ, resulting in “whole life Gospel expression.” Topics include:

  • Seeing and Experiencing God as Center
  • Following God’s Vision
  • Understanding God’s View of Work
  • Living from a Kingdom Mindset
  • Loving with Christ’s Love
  • Openly Living my Faith
  • Holy Spirit Empowered Living
business man distraught at desk

Have You Lost Your Purpose?

Something deep inside you screams, "There MUST be more to life than work, paying the bills, juggling never ending tasks, and squeezing a few spirtual activites and rare moments of fun into each week."

There IS more...WAY more.

Redeemed, restored Christ followers are invited to bring Christ's light and life to everyone around us. Every minute of every day. You and I are MADE for this. But, when our selfish nature rules our hearts, thoughts, attitudes and actions, we lose our ability to reflect Christ. We lose our purpose and the source of true joy in our lives.

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You and I must first accept God as the center of our lives and surrender too him before effectively LIVING our purpose. The Living on Purpose - Foundations devotional study is a simple, effective resource highlighting bibilical truths regarding our purpose and HOW to live it out. With your Bible as the foundational resource, the Foundations study challenges modern day mindsets and invites readers to deeply integrate their faith with all of life.

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Living on Purpose - Foundations

The purpose of all of creation is clear. Everything (including you) exists to glorify God. Saying that, few of His children really "get this" in a way that impacts the entirety of their lives. The Foundations devotional highlights scriptures and provides insights inviting the reader to get MORE from their faith and live it. More purpose, more life, and more joy.

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A Personal Heart Transformation Journey, Reflecting Christ

Seeing God as the center of your life and understanding his desires of you sharing your faith is a prerequisite to living your purpose. Yet more is needed in order to truly live your purpose. You know deep down you can't just try harder to live better. The deepest part of you must change. The Foundations devotional describes what this looks like and offers practical advice for implementation. If you want to progress further in your transformation, the Living on Purpose - Life Applications invites you to a proven path for growth. As people notice the change in you, the door is thrown open to sharing the source of your transformation - Jesus Christ.

Available in Multiple Formats

We know that everyone learns at a different pace and in different ways. Some like a good book while others like things online. We have tried to offer our content in ways that will match your learning needs the best. For all purchasers that we have emails for, you will also get a membership to our Follower of One Alumni social network. It is a great place to share your experiences, sign up to moderate future courses and continue to learn how to share your faith.

  • Printed Book With Online Portal

    For people who just love a good book! A spiral bound professionally printed book that you can take notes in. You will also get access to our onilne portal so that you can have access to our videos and online journaling tool.

  • Online Portal With Videos

    Our online portal provides access to the Foundations Course and Group Resource Book that contains group exercises and a facilitator guide. We also provide an online journaling tool that can be used as an alternative to notebooks.

  • Follower of One and Foundations

    We have teamed up with Follower of One to provide our Foundations offering as a course within their social network. For those that like an online course format this is for you. Click below to see more information about this environment.

    More Information 
  • Kindle

    We have published a text only version of the Foundations devotional in the Kindle format. For those that love to have your books all in one place, you can find Foundations at the Amazon store.


Are you interested in the Foundations study?

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I truly loved this study. It was so good to be encouraged to live out my purpose with focus and intentionality. It did not provide a list of “to do’s” or a strategy for how to convert others at my workplace. It did not tell me all the behaviors I needed to change. Instead the applications encouraged me to change how I live and to embrace God. These applications helped to change my heart which led to changed behavior. It never felt like a job or something I had to do—but more of a way to live more fully—not just at home or church but in every area of my life including the workplace. It is about being.
It is very practical, one lesson for each day of the work week. And they are succinct—there is so much packed into each session—I couldn’t stop underlining! They ask thought provoking questions that encourage you to dig deep and stimulate deeper meditation throughout the day. It is geared to the workplace but I think it could be applied to students in high school and college as well. It would be great to do together as a Bible study with fellow like minded co-workers. I’d love to do it again in six months as a refresher!