• Business Woman Not Comfortable

    People all around you are hurting. They need hope. They need life. They need Jesus.

    God placed you in your home not just for shelter, but to be His light in your neighborhood.  He placed you at work not just to pay the bills or enjoy a great career, but to be His light to your dark workplace.  He placed you on your campus not just to get a degree, but to bring His light to staff and students all around you.

  • Woman hitchhiking

    That's why God placed YOU in their life. To show them Jesus by being Jesus.

    You say you don't know how to share Christ?  BE Christ!  Let all who know you know the most important thing about you - that you love Jesus.  Then love them like Jesus and watch what happens!

  • plants sprouting in dirt

    Loving people to Christ by breaking hard soil of hearts and planting Gospel seeds.

    Die to your selfish, sinful flesh and let the Holy Spirit fill you with the mind and heart of Christ.  Allow Him to lead you, guide you, and open doors to people around you to demonstrate Christ.  You will see the hard soil of hearts soften, break, and people ask why you're different even though you've told them!  You share how JESUS is different - and how He alone brings life!

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    Ministry Organizations

    We work with churches, missions and other faith based organizations to help them guide their members to naturally living their faith outside of a weekend service or occasional bible study.

    Our mission is to stand along side of you to bring opportunities to your members to transform their lives and live their faith naturally each and every day. We can help you provide the next step that your members are looking for. A Foundations or Life Application course will connect their desire to share their faith to an ability to live their faith daily.

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  • coffee break


    If you are someone looking for more from life and your faith, Living on Purpose is a great way to bring your faith to all aspects of your life in a very natural way. Taking the Foundations course by yourself is a great start. The Life Application courses will build on that experience.

    Don't be surprised if people start to experience your faith as you start to naturally live your faith. You can then naturally share your faith with others.

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Living on Purpose was a life-changing experience for me, meeting together in such an intimate setting, focused on the workplace in a way that never seemed to fit before in church.  I saw people forgiving for the first time, grow in loving others, and people come to the Lord in miraculous ways.

It’s a lifestyle change providing a glimpse and experience of living an abundant life at work, at home
and all of life. I will live this way the rest of my life.”