If you are someone looking for more from life and your faith, we would be delighted to help you launch a Living on Purpose group within your church or connect you to churches or other organizations that already have partnered with us.
We believe Living on Purpose will be most effective and impactful under the guidance of local churches and ministries to use your interest in living your faith to help spark an organic movement in your church and community that impacts many people. We've seen this happen in Europe and Asia with seeds recently planted in North/Central/South America and Africa.
Professionalism and Experience
Marketplace Impact and our partners bring decades of openly living out faith at work and across all of life. We bring decades of coaching, mentoring and discipling believers around the world to reflect Christ wherever the Lord has placed them, preparing us to help you do the same. Joining with God in His great work of restoration and redemption; experiencing the FULLNESS of His joy.
Two Tracks - One Building On The Other
Living on Purpose - Foundations
More InfoFoundations is a 7-week study that will challenge how you as a Christ follower see and live life, raising awareness of God's grand purpose and inviting you to fully join Him in it. It casts vision and invites you to integrate your faith with all of your life. Living out God's mission and purpose while experiencing the fullness of His presence, power and joy.
Living on Purpose - Life Applications
More InfoLiving on Purpose - Life Applications is a series of three 6-week journeys for those wanting to experience more from their faith in everyday life. It's designed to build on the awareness gained from the Foundations study guiding participants through inward transformation to deeply integrate and then live out their faith across all of life.
Additional Devotionals
We also have additional devotionals available to support your Living on Purpose journey!
Partnering Organizations
We have numerous churches, ministries and business organizations partnering to bring Living on Purpose to their members and/or staff. Some desire to "contextualize" the content and approach for their unique settings. All see its heart surrendered, Holy Spirit empowered focus as inviting deep transformation in people's lives.
Questions and Next Steps
If you would like to explore how you might experience one of our programs, please contact us. We will reply within 48 hours.
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